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"Be A Champion" Mentor Program
Administered and managed by the Oregon School District, the "Be A Champion" Mentor Program matches a 4th - 8th grade student with a caring adult who will serve as that child's champion.
Mentoring takes place one hour per week, in-person, at the student's school building.
Mentors engage their mentee in games, crafts or other activities, not tutoring. OSD's goal is to match a mentor's interests with a child who would benefit from this time together. The impact of this positive relationship with an adult committed to their well-being and the opportunity to build a positive connection has been shown to positively impact a child's educational experience and their future.
This program is facilitated by OSD staff who select the children who are most in need of mentoring. FOSD serves as the host of the year-end Mentor/Mentee celebration and a bridge builder to the community by promoting the program to potential mentors.
No previous mentoring experience is required, and all mentors are given a brief training prior to beginning. Upcoming training dates: February dates and times announced soon.
Interested? Please complete the short form below. Thank you!
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